Swimming club
The Ashgrove State School Parents and Citizen’s Association has an Amateur Swimming Club, known as the ‘Ashgrove Aces’. Club nights are held each Monday night in Term 1 and Term 4. Swimmers arrive from 5.45pm for a 6.15pm start and finish around 8pm. Club night is a fantastic opportunity for children to develop their swimming and competition skills in a relaxed, non-threatening environment. All strokes are offered each night and children are able to elect which events they would like to participate in. The Club is strongly involved in inter-club Carnivals, Brisbane Swimming Association and Queensland Swimming Association meets.
“Ashgrove Aces” has an excellent tradition in competition and achievements and it is continually producing members who achieve at State Level. Come along and join the activities of the Club. An Aces Swim Club Membership Form is available on the website.
Correspondence can be mailed to Ashgrove State School Amateur Swimming Club, PO Box 2120, Ashgrove West Qld 4060 or emailed to ashgrove.aces@gmail.com
Chess club
Chess coaching for students in Prep to Year 6 is conducted by Gardiner Chess in Wednesday mornings from 7.30am to 8.30am. Venue in 2025 is Room 08/09 on the top floor of of A Block. The skilled coaches provide the students with excellent tactics to improve playing skills. Students in the chess club have the opportunity to play in inter-school competitions.
Students can register and pay at the Gardiner Chess website