The Ashgrove State School Parents and Citizens’ Association operates the school tuckshop which provides a healthy, well-balanced menu at affordable prices. The tuckshop operates daily from Monday to Friday from 8.15am to 1.30pm.
P&C Tuckshop Staff: Sunny Wood, Carol Collins, Andrea Chen, Jade Grammenos, Maree Zillotti.
Volunteers are an important and integral part of tuckshop operations. Assistance with the preparation and service of food means that costs and prices are minimised. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to help as part of a small team. Volunteers are asked to assist on a monthly basis. Families who are unable to help on roster but wish to support the tuckshop can make donations of food, cash, wrapping or coloured copy paper. Please contact our Tuckshop Convenor is you are able to Volunteer one day per month or wish to donate items.
Tuckshop meals can be ordered using Qkr! Online ordering. Online ordering is available 24/7, is convenient for parents, removes paper orders and cash and registration is Free. Once registration is completed, orders can be placed from your iPhone, iPad or mobile device.
Tuckshop menu
Qkr! How to Register Guide
On Fridays from 2:45pm–3:30pm the tuckshop also operates what is known as the Ashgrove Café. The Convenor manages the Café with help from a rostered class each week. Assistance is sought from the parents of the rostered class to serve. Every class is rostered twice a year. The Café provides a great end of week opportunity for parents and children to relax and socialise. An espresso machine in the Tuckshop ensures that parents get a great cup of coffee either on parade mornings, sports days or at Friday afternoon café.
To obtain further information or offer assistance in any way please call the tuckshop on (07) 3858 4718 or email