Welcome to YMCA Ashgrove Outside Hours School Care (OSHC)
The YMCA’s approach to OSHC is to provide an environment that is safe and gives children the opportunity to learn and play. YMCA OSHC delivers a program management approach that exceeds industry ‘best practice’ in program delivery, community development and risk management.
For specific information about YMCA Ashgrove OSHC refer to service page on our YMCA OSHC website.

Activity program
Each individual YMCA OSHC service plans, designs and provides tailored programs catering to their particular children’s age, skill, interests and abilities through a variety of challenging and recreational activities. Our aim is to provide activities that develop each child’s social, emotional, lingual, physical, intellectual, social, creative and recreational potential and that are developmentally appropriate. The development of life skills is an important part of our program, with a strong focus on child-initiated and child-choice experiences. Each service displays their weekly program on the Family Noticeboard.
YMCA OSHC provides breakfast and afternoon tea for the children during Before School and After School and breakfast, morning tea and afternoon tea during Vacation Care. We respect and understand different cultures when it comes to food choices and will endeavour to provide alternatives wherever possible. Each service displays their daily menu in the kitchen or on the Family Noticeboard. Families should feel free to discuss any comments, concerns or feedback they may have regarding food and nutrition with the Coordinator.
Hours of operation
Before School Care: 6.30am– 9.00am
After School Care: 3.00pm–6.00pm
Vacation Care: 6.30am–6.00pm
Student Free Days: 6.30am–6.00pm
Families are required to complete an Enrolment Form before any child is able to attend YMCA OSHC services. A meeting with service staff is available to families upon enrolment. This is an excellent opportunity for families to discuss with service staff what will help make their time with at YMCA OSHC enjoyable, particularly during the initial few weeks. Each newly enrolled family will receive a copy of a family information package, which includes a Family Handbook, detailing selected policies and conditions of enrolment.
At YMCA OSHC we attempt to cater to all families with regard to days needed for care. Bookings can either be on a permanent or casual basis. It helps in our planning for staff and activities if families book children in on regular days according to need. We understand that some families will be unable to predict days needed and we will try to accommodate. Families book their care requirements directly with service staff via phone, email or in person.
It is our aim to provide a quality service to families at an affordable price. The YMCA OSHC Fee Schedule is available for families to download from our website or can be collected directly from any service. OSHC fees are based on the annual budget required for the provision of high-quality childcare that is in keeping with our Philosophy, Goals and Policies and Procedures.
M: 0417 706 789 E: ash@ymcaqueensland.org.au